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Sometimes people ask why Pride month is needed, and to those outside the LGBTQIA+ community, it might seem like it doesn’t matter. The KC Group want to share with you how celebrating Pride can benefit LGBTQIA+ people. There are many reasons why Pride month is still important.

Raising awareness of issues faced by LGBTQIA+ people

June is not just time for celebration, it’s also a time to raise awareness of issues we might experience being part of the LGBTQIA+. It shines a light on the unique challenges we might face so that we can support each other better.

In the UK, rights have improved for some groups within the LGBTQIA+ community. Section 28* was removed, same sex marriage was made legal, and conversion therapy is due to be made illegal for lesbian, gay and bisexual people. But there is more we need to do.

A health report by Stonewall from 2018 shows that 52% of LGBT people said they’ve experienced depression, while 46% of trans people and 31% of LGB people who aren’t trans have thought about suicide.

Creating a safe space for LGBTQIA+ people

LGBTQIA+ people should be able to celebrate a part of themselves they might otherwise hide. Some people need to hide parts of who they are behind closed doors more often than others, but parades and other events allow everyone to be themselves with pride.

Pride Website

Building and supporting the community

Any events where LGBTQIA+ people are coming together can build community. Pride gives young LGBTQIA+ people the chance to attend events where they can meet others who are like them and feel part of the wider LGBTQIA+ community. Pride events promote opportunities of support both within and outside of the LGBTQIA+ community with many charities and other groups promoting the work they do to support us.

Encouraging and supporting acceptance

The general conversation around Pride and the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as local events, creates an environment where people can feel acceptance of themselves. It allows others to become more familiar with seeing LGBTQIA+ people being themselves in their local communities. This can go a small way to encouraging acceptance from others. A positive consequence of this is that some people may feel more able to come out to friends, family, etc. When the world talks about people like us.

At KC Group, we live and breathe Diversity and Inclusion – not only does this run through the very core of our own business but we provide support to our clients insuring that all of our processes are fair and transparent whist ensuring candidates get a fair and unbiased service.

We are committed to building a safe, supportive and inclusive workspace and recruitment service that embraces and encourages diversity, collaboration and success.

We understand the importance of equality, and train and educate our people to ensure each and every member of our team has everything they need to promote Diversity and Inclusion in every step of our process.


Author Amie

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